Obtain detailed information about the Industrial Park.Take field trips to the Industrial Park for investigation. LOTSELECTION 01 Negotiate and sign a Memorandum (MOU) of sublease of land rental including infrastructure hereinafter referred as (Infrastructure rental).Make a deposit of the infrastructure rental within 07 days as from the signing date of the MOU. AGREEMENT ONLAND SUBLEASE & DEPOSIT 02 Complete and submit Dossier to Industrial Park Authority for issuance of Investment Registration Certificate within 20 days as from the signing date of the Memorandum.We assist Investors in the process of dossier preparation and completion of related administrative procedures. COMPLETION OF DOSSIERFOR INVESTMENT 03 Business Registration Certificate shall be granted within 05 days as from the submitting date of the full dossier. BUSINESSREGISTRATION 04 Giấy chứng nhận đăng ký đầu tư được cấp trong vòng 07 ngày kể từ ngày nộp đầy đủ hồ sơ. ĐĂNG KÝĐẦU TƯ 05 LAND SUBLEASECONTRACT SIGNING 05 Hanover datum-points of the Lot at site in the Industrial Park.Pay the infrastructure rental within 07 days as from the land handover date.Agreement on the connection point of the infrastructure of the land lot with the common infrastructure of of the industrial park. For serving the design and construction worksof Investor. LAND HANDOVER 06 Apply to Industrial Parks Authority with: License for construction, to Provincial Police with Fire prevention certificate, to Environment and Natural Resources Department with: Certificate of environmental protection commitment. APPLICATION FOR ENVIRONMENT& BUILDING PERMISSION 07 CONSTRUCTION ANDOPERATION START 08 Refund the deposit Non-approval Approval Sign the Contract of land sublease with the infrastructure within 10 days from the date of issuance of Investment Registration Certificate Pay the infrastructure rental within 07 days as from the signing date of the contract. Comply with the approved dossier of technical design for construction and the Regulations of the Industrial Park on construction management.
Investors are guided and given free-of-charge support with procedures for issuance of business registration and procedure for issuance of Investment certificate in the shortest time:
Procedure for issuance of Investment certificate
Procedure for issuance of Business Registration Certificate